Good Morning. I’m Having “Second Thoughts” Again.

Good morning and God bless you! With this post, I move my blog, “Second Thoughts,” to WordPress and incorporate it into a new website. The previous location for my blog was here:

I begin with good morning because it is a state of mind more than a time of day. I am a United Methodist pastor currently serving Wayland United Methodist Church in Wayland, Michigan.

I have named my blog, Second Thoughts, intentionally. Such a title may refer to doubt, like, “I’m having second thoughts about some decision/matter/question, etc.” However, I use second thoughts in the more positive light of giving further consideration to matters of faith and life. Second thoughts suggest that first thoughts and impressions may not convey the deepest meaning. Further contemplation can bring out better understanding and allow for meaning to emerge over time. The late Howard Thurman, a theologian/pastor/author, referred to the need to allow our decisions and questions to “simmer.” While I can respond to the immediate and urgent needs of a situation, I am a contemplative person at heart who is nourished in solitude, reflection, silence and conversation.

I am challenged and excited at now working with a website and blog. I love to write but I am a slow composer, so I will see how my energy flows into the frequency with which I write.  Here we go…