Mosaics: How God Uses Pieces of Our Lives

In my better moments with social media, I scroll through Twitter like reading the book of Proverbs. There is not a lot of coherence in Proverbs yet the brief powerful statements provide practical guidance. The tweets I read are for the most part disconnected other than my having chosen whom to follow. Their posts then flow through my timeline.

I look for small bits of wisdom, interesting ideas, and insightful perspectives that shed some light on how I feel. But I rarely have a comprehensive sense of what I learn. I don’t try to fit all the parts together. I tend to enjoy the pieces of wisdom, information, and ideas on their own and sometimes collect them for later use (like in a newsletter article or sermon).

The sermon series for September through October 2 (World Communion Sunday) is “Mosaics of Our Broken Pieces.” It is based on a book by Shane Stanford called Mosaic: When God Uses All the Pieces. During these weeks together we will examine our Restlessness, Regret, Rejection, Responsibilities, and Resources and how God meets us in them and calls us to grow through them.

When things fall apart, there is an immense release of energy, creativity, and potential. I am aware of how much energy I invest in trying to hold everything together and how quickly I am exhausted. So, when things fall apart God uses that condition to show us more grace and mercy in our grief and fatigue.

When things fall apart it is also helpful to talk with others about it. This is why we have a new online Mosaic small group to accompany the sermon series. I hope you will join on Sunday nights from 6:00-7:00 PM on Zoom ( It is intended to be a conversation/feedback time on the Sunday sermon with further input from Stanford’s book.

In sharing the Mosaic small group invitation with our Thursday Bible study group, Vanessa Palmer replied that she had recently written a poem called Mosaic Masterpiece. I am grateful for her insights and share this with her permission.

Piece by piece, intricate, broken
Fragments, colors, chipped, marred
Pick up each with care
Place in the ordained spot
Mold in and around each
Comforting, cushioning
Align, bring in contrast, depth
The beauty missed up close
Can be seen paces back
We don’t perceive the thread, the weaving
You arrange, rearrange
Bond, seal, glaze and fire
The kiln burns away the dross, the chaff
Shiny, merged, affixed
Now united, the mosaic reveals
Your true heart, your goodness
Your life in me, completed
Your beautiful masterpiece mosaic

When things fall apart, God calls us together for worship, community, and support. You are invited to gather up your broken pieces and offer them to God for the creation of a mosaic masterpiece.